SIT Study Abroad Spain: Policy, Law, and Regional Autonomy in Europe
5 Reasons Why You Should Study Abroad in Kenya
5 Reasons Why You Should Study Abroad in Spain
Stwudy Abroad with SIT in the Czech Republic
Meet the study abroad academic directors from around the globe (Part 1)
Meet the study abroad academic directors from around the globe (Part 2)
Meet the study abroad academic directors from around the globe (Part 3)
5 Reasons Why You Should Study Abroad In Colombia
Study abroad in India this summer
5 Reasons Why You Should Study Abroad With IHP (Social Innovation)
SIT Study Abroad Samoa: Social and Environmental Change in Oceania
Spend this summer with SIT Study Abroad
What’s your favorite experience with SIT Ghana? #MyFavoriteMoment
What’s your favorite experience with SIT Kenya? #MyFavoriteMoment
Explore Africa, South of the Sahara with SIT study abroad
Hear from the academic director of our Spain program, Victor Tricot
A Semester Abroad in Argentina | Excursions
IHP: Cities in the 21st Century: People, Planning, and Politics (Fall 2)
Get a glimpse of International Honors Program
Hear from Durga about the unique Nepal summer program
Internship in Switzerland: Banking, Finance, and Social Responsibility program
Do A Summer Internship In Vietnam
Study Abroad In Madagascar by Catie Schrading #SITVideoContest
Impact of A Semester In Switzerland by Taylen Hitchcock #SITVideoContest