Deepa Srikantaiah, PhD
Dr. Deepa Srikantaiah is an educator, scholar, and artist. Her work explores culturally sustaining pedagogies, postcolonial studies, and comparative histories and international education to better understand how education can address contemporary issues in mathematics education. Dr. Srikantaiah began her career as a chemistry teacher and worked on after-school STEM programs in the United States. She has worked at USAID, The World Bank, Global Partnership for Education, with USAID contractors, non-profits, and universities, and was awarded a Fulbright to India from 2015 to 2016. She has worked in South and East Asia, Eastern, Western, and Southern Africa, and the U.S. Dr. Srikantaiah is also an affiliate faculty in the graduate program in international education policy at the University of Maryland, College Park and the EdD program at SIT. She is also an adjunct in the City Teaching Alliance Program at American University in Washington, DC. Her scholarship has been published in numerous peer-reviewed journals, book chapters, and conference proceedings. Dr. Srikantaiah received her MA and PhD in international education policy from the University of Maryland, College Park.
For more information about Dr. Srikantaiah, please visit:
Courses Taught
Research Methods 2: Qualitative Approaches
Select Publications
Evans, N., Srikantaiah, D., Pallangyo, A., Sugrue, M., and Sitabkhan, Y. (2019). Towards the design and implementation of comprehensive primary grade literacy and numeracy programs. A Working Paper by
the Global Reading Network. Prepared by University Research Co., LLC. (URC) under the Reading within REACH initiative for USAID’s Building Evidence and Supporting Innovation to Improve Primary Grade Assistance for the Office of Education (E3/ED). Available at:
Srikantaiah, D., Eichhorn, M. & Khan, M. (2018). Determination of marginalized youth to overcome and achieve in mathematics: A case study from India. Global Education Review, 5 (3), 5-28.
Srikantaiah, D. and Ralaingita, W. (2014). Teacher Education and Professional Development in Global Mathematics. In Wiseman, A. and Anderson, E. (Eds.). Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2014. Emerald Group Publishing Limited: United Kingdom.
Prouty, R. Banik, K., and Srikantaiah, D. (2012). Effective Approaches to Making Inclusive Education a Part of Education for All. In Heymann, J. and Cassola, A. (Eds.), Lessons in Educational Equality: Successful Approaches to Intractable Problems Around the World. New York, New York: Oxford University Press.
McCuen, R. H., Akar, G. Gifford, I.A., and Srikantaiah, D. (2009). Recommendations for Improving Graduate Adviser-Advisee Communication. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 4 (135): 153-160.
Kober, N., Chudowsky, N., Chudowsky, V. Scott, C., Rentner, D. S., McMurrer, J., and Srikantaiah, D. (2009). An Early Look at the Economic Stimulus Package and the Public Schools: Perspectives from State Leaders. Center on Education Policy. Washington, D.C.
Srikantaiah, D. (2009). How State and Federal Accountability Policies Have Influenced Curriculum and Instruction in Three States: Common Findings from Rhode Island, Illinois, and Washington. Center on Education Policy. Washington, D.C.
Godbole-Chaudhuri, P., Srikantaiah, D., and van Fleet, J. (2008). Indigenous Knowledge and Intellectual Property Rights: Confronting Modern Norms to Promote Sustainability. Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education, 2: 1-19.
Srikantaiah, D. (2008). Institutionalizing Traditional Medical Knowledge in Western Institutions. Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship. 2(3).
Srikantaiah, D. (2008). Indigenous Knowledge Initiatives at the World Bank, the National Institutes of Health, and Pennsylvania State University. Doctoral dissertation, University of Maryland, College Park. Drum:
Select Presentations
Srikantaiah, D. (2021). Inclusion in STEM Education Benefits All. Invited speaker: The Quincy STEM Career & College Exploration Program. The Experiment in International Living, World Learning, Inc. October 2021
Srikantaiah, D. (2021). Training Teachers on Early Grade Mathematics Online Learning Platforms. Talk delivered at the Virtual Comparative and International Education Society Conference. April 2021
Srikantaiah, D. (2020). Mathematical Models and Explanation and Justification. Talk delivered at the Virtual Comparative and International Education Society Conference. April 2020
Srikantaiah, D. (2019). Universal Design for Learning in Early Grade Mathematics. Talk delivered at the Comparative and International Education Society Conference in San Francisco. April 2019
Srikantaiah, D. (2017). Prasakti: Perseverance and Resilience in Adolescent Students in Arithmetic and Keys To Intervention in India. Talk delivered at the Comparative and International Education Society Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. March 2017
Srikantaiah, D.(2016). Mathematics Assessments in Low Resource Countries. Talk delivered at the American Education Research Association, Washington, D.C., April 2016
Srikantaiah, D.(2016). Resilience to Learn Math. Talk at the annual Fulbright Conference, Jaipur, India; February 2016
Srikantaiah, D.(2015). Preparing Americans with 21st Century Skills in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
(STEM) Education. Invited Speaker for DAV Colleges Principals Workshop. DAV Colleges, Chennai, India. October 2015
Srikantaiah, D.(2015). Fostering foundational skills in mathematics at the early years and implications for STEM in school and beyond. Talk at the Indian Institute of Management Seminar Series, Indian Institute of Management,Bangalore, India; September 2015
Srikantaiah, D.(2015). Beyond counting: Understanding how strong foundational skills in early mathematics leads to number sense, strong critical thinking skills, and achievement in STEM. Invited speaker for Quest Learning Day. Quest Alliance, Bangalore, India. September 2015
Research Interests
Precolonial and Indigenous Knowledges
South Asian and African Diasporas
Mathematics and Science Education
- PhD, International Education Policy, University of Maryland, College Park
- MA, International Education Policy, University of Maryland, College Park
- BS, Microbiology, University of Maryland, College Park