Alexandre Lambert, PhD
Alexandre Lambert is Swiss and holds a PhD in international relations from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva. He has been an academic director and lecturer with SIT in Geneva since 2007. He has been lead researcher for the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe at the Graduate Institute, project officer at the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, and a civil servant at the Swiss Federal Department of Defense. He belongs to nonprofit civil society organizations including the Swiss Foreign Policy Association, the European Consortium of Political Research, and European Research Group on Armed Forces and Society. He is a fellow of the Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society in Chicago and frequently provides policy advice to the OSCE Forum for Security Cooperation, often regarding operations in the Western Balkans, South Caucasus, and Central Asia. Dr. Lambert has published in international politics and history, international security, and security sector governance.
Dr. Lambert is member of the editorial board of Diplomatic Service, a scientific periodical issued by the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. He has been publishing on various aspects of social science, international affairs, and strategic studies, in German, French, English, and Russian languages. He just published two new books, with Cambridge Scholars on the geo-economics of the Silk Road, and with Routledge on the geopolitics of India.
See Dr. Lambert’s full list of publications
Courses Taught
Graduate Courses
Future of Europe
Undergraduate Courses
Geopolitical Factors of Switzerland
The Silk Health Road
Select Publications
Belt-and-Road Initiative: Geopolitical and Geo-economic Aspects, Co-Author with Faisal Ahmed, Routledge, New York/ London, October 2021
Geopolitics of China’s New Silk Road: Return of Geography and the Reset of the Historical Clock, Rome (Aracne), January 2021.
Democratic Civilian Control of Armed Forces in the Post-Cold War Era, Berlin/London/Wien/Münster/Zürich (LIT: DCAF), 2009.
The OSCE Code of Conduct on Politico-Military Aspects of Security: Anatomy and Implementation (co-author with Victor-Yves Ghebali), Leiden/Boston (Martinus Nijhoff), 2005.
“Geostrategic Shifts and their Impact on the Indo-Pacific Region”, book chapter, In: Ahmed, Faisal, (ed.), Business Environment in the Indo-Pacific, Routledge, forthcoming (2022).
“Geopolitical Method of Analysis as a Contribution to Foreign Policy Making”, Proceedings of the International Conference: “Expert and Analytical Support of Foreign Policy Making”, Diplomatic Academy, , Institute of International Relations and World History/Lobachevsky State University, in collaboration with the Diplomacy Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Moscow/Nizhny Novgorod, 17 December 2021, 7-15.
Post-Cold War NATO Enlargement and the Geopolitical Instrumentalization of ‘Liberal Peace’: Lessons from George Kennan, In: David Criekemans (ed.), Geopolitics and International Relations. Grounding World Politics Anew, Chapter 6, forthcoming (Fall 2021).
China’s – not US’s – plan offers big deal for SMEs, Co-author with Faisal Ahmed, The Korea Times, 31 August 2021, .
L’OSCE : 30 ans après la fin de la guerre froide, transformation de sa géographie politique et de son espace diplomatique, co-author with Thomas Schmidt, Revue Militaire Suisse, Issue No. 2, 2021, 4-11.
Deployment of Armed Forces During the Coronavirus Crisis: Compliance with the OSCE Code of Conduct?, Co-Author with Filip Edijus and Thomas Schmidt, OSCE Insights, Issue 5, 2020, Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg (IFSH), Centre for OSCE Research (CORE), 1-13, DOI: 10.5771/9783748922339-05.
Geopolitische und Strategische Aspekte Russlands, Unser Mitteleuropa, 13 September 2020,
Amid geopolitical shifts, who will rule the Indian Ocean?, Co-author with Faisal Ahmed, The Hindu Business Line, 15 June 2020, .
Hybrid Military-Police Force, Co-author with Daniil Atroshchenko, CoESPU Magazine, Issue 2 (2019), Italy, Vicenza, 56-58.
From Civil-Military Relations Towards Security Sector Governance, European Political Science, 10/2011: Symposium of the European Consortium of Political Research, pp. 157-166.
Select Presentations
Lambert, A. Geostrategic Shifts Impacting the Indo-Pacific Region [Conference presentation], online (zoom), FORE International Business Conference (FIBC) 2020, “Future of Buisness in the New Global Realities”, FORE School of Management, New Delhi, India Nov. 27-28 2020: Session: Geo-Economic & Geopolitical Architecture.
Lambert, A. “OSCE Code of Conduct: Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Armed Forces Personnel”, OSCE Forum for Security Cooperation (FSC), Security Dialogue; Code of Conduct on Politico-Military Aspects of Security, Vienna, Hofburg, 20 October 2021.
Lambert, A. “Potential to Ease International Tensions in the Black Sea and Mediterranean Region in the Short and Medium Term”, International Conference, Funded by the Gorchakov Fund, The Black Sea Issue in the Focus of the World Politics, Dedication to the 150th Anniversary of the Treaty of London 1871, Sevastopol, 21 May 2021.
Lambert, A. “Geopolitical Method of Analysis as a Contribution to Foreign Policy Making”, “Expert and Analytical Support of Foreign Policy Making”, International Online Conference, Moscow / Niszhny Novgorod, 17 December 2021, Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federaion, Lobachevsky State University of Niszhny Novgorod.
Lambert, A.; “Revolution in Russland: Die Bewertungen durch Westeuropàische Lànder” Internationales Diplomatisches Seminar: “100 Jahre der Russischen Revolution von 1917: Zeitgenössische Beurteilungen von Historikern, Politiologen und Diplomaten, Schweizerisches Landesmuseum, Zürich, 21 April 2017.
- PhD, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies