Weston Fredrick Mwase, PhD
Dr. Mwase obtained his doctorate degree in Forestry and Biodiversity from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences in 2007. He is currently a professor of forest sciences at the Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources, where he has also been the director of quality assurance.
Courses Taught
Sustainable Natural Resource Management
Select Publications
Wiyo K, Fiwa L, and W. Mwase 2015.Solving Deforestation, Protecting and Managing Key Water Catchments in Malawi Using Smart Public and Private Partnerships. Journal of Sustainable Development 8: 251-261
Mwase W, Sefasi A., Njoloma J, Nyoka B.I., Manduwa D, and Nyaika J 2015. Factors affecting the adoption of agroforestry and evergreen agriculture in Southern Africa. Environment & Natural Resources Research 5 (2) 148-157
Mwase W, Ntalika L. Kachamba D. J and Kwapata M.B. 2015. Growth performance of Uapaca kirkiana Müell. Arg provenances in a breeding seedling orchard in Malawi. Journal of Biodiversity Management & Forestry
Kachiguma Nathan, Mwase W, Maliro M & Damaliphetsa A 2015. Chemical and mineral composition of Amaranth (Amaranthus L.) species collected from Central Malawi. Journal of Food Research 4 (4) 92-102
Ng’ambi C. M., Dzanja JK, & Mwase W 2015. Household Vulnerability to Climate Variability in Lilongwe: A Case of Chitekwere Area Development Programme (ADP). Journal of Agricultural Sciences 7 (7) 93-102
Mwase W. Jumbe CBL, GascF, Owiyo T, Manduwa D, Nyaika J, Kwapata K& B. Maonga B2014. Assessment of Agricultural Sector Policies and Climate Change in Malawi-The Nexus between Climate Change Related Policies, Research and Practice. Journal of Sustainable Development (7) 195-203
Mwase W, Mtethiwa A.T. & M. Makonombera 2014. Climate Change adaptation practices for two communities in Southern Malawi. Journal of Environment and Earth Science 4 (2) 87-93
Mponela P,Jumbe CBLand Mwase, W.F. 2011. Determinants and extent of land allocation for Jatropha curcas cultivation among small holder farmers in Malawi. Biomass and Energy: 1-7
Mwase, W.F., Akinnifesi, F.K Stedje B, Kwapata M.B. and Å. Bjørnstad. 2010. Genetic diversity within and among southern African provenances of Uapaca kirkiana Muell. Arg using morphological traits & molecular markers. New Forests 40: 383-399
MwaseW. F., Bjørnstad Å., Bokosi J.M., Kwapata, M.B & Stedje B. 2007. The role of land tenure in conservation of tree and shrub species diversity in miombo woodlands of southern Malawi. New Forests 33: 297-307
Select Presentations
Mwase W (November 23, 2022). Agroforestry for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods, Mponela, Dowa, Malawi
Mwase W (October 2021). Forests and Climate Change adaptation and Mitigation For Anglophone Countries, Nairobi, Kenya
Mwase W (November 2020). Capacity, Institution and Policy Assessment and Analyses of Policies Supporting Natural Resources Management in Malawi
Mwase W (February 2018). Development of Environmental Sustainability Management Plans for Tea Association of Malawi
Mwase W (January, 2017). Developing Community-Based Carbon Monitoring for Climate Smart Agriculture Schemes For Sustainable Local Business Development in Malawi
Research Interests
Environment and climate change
Gender and natural resources management
Biodiversity conservation
Agriculture, land tenure, and natural resources management
- PhD, Forestry and Biodiversity, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
- MSc, Forestry and Land Use Management, University of Oxford, England
- MSc, Agronomy, University of Zambia, Lusaka, Zambia
- BSc, Agriculture, University of Malawi