Victor Tricot, PhD
Dr. Tricot is a political scientist and journalist with more than a decade of experience in international education, academic research, and university teaching. He has led study abroad programs in Chile, Peru, and Spain. This includes development of academic syllabi, excursions, and budgets, as well as managing staff teams. His main research interests and publications involve Latin American politics, social movements, and indigenous peoples’ political participation. Dr. Tricot is a regular contributor to various Latin American media organizations where he comments and writes on current affairs relating to Latin American politics.
See Dr. Tricot’s full list of publications
Courses Taught
Graduate Courses Taught
Peace and Justice Field Seminar: Spain
Undergraduate Courses Taught
Independence Movements, Citizenship, and Human Rights
The Geopolitics of Borders and the Future of the European Union
Research Methods and Ethics
Independent Study Project
Sustainable Urban Development in the Basque Country Project
Sustainable Urban Development and Right to the City Project
Select Publications and Activities
Tricot, V. (2021). Experiencias autonómicas en el movimiento mapuche: Revista d’estudis autonomics i federals, [en línia], 2021, Núm. 34, p. 59-84
Tricot, V. (2021). Please Mind the Gap: Autonomization and Street Politics. In The Social Outburst and Political Representation in Chile (pp. 75-89). Springer, Cham
Navarrete, B. & Tricot, V. (Eds.). (2021). The Social Outburst and Political Representation in Chile. Springer International Publishing
Tricot, V. & Bidegain, G. (2021). Escaños reservados para los mapuche en la Convención Constitucional: Una rendija institucional gracias a la revuelta. Anuario del Conflicto Social, (12)
Tricot, V. (2020). Algunas respuestas mapuches en el contexto de la epidemia. Revista Catalana de Dret Ambiental, 11(2)
Tricot, V. (2020). ¿Octubre como coyuntura transformadora?” Revista Historia en Movimiento. De la Revuelta Popular a la Rebelión. Ensayos de interpretación. 5(5)
Tricot, V., & Bidegain, G. (2020). Un año más de desencuentros: participación y política institucional mapuche en 2019. Anuario del Conflicto Social, (11)
Tricot V., & Bidegaín, G. (2020). En busca de la representación política: el partido mapuche Wallmapuwen en Chile. Estudios sociológicos, 38(113), 375-407
Tricot, V. (2020). Algunas reflexiones preliminares sobre el colapso del vergel chileno. IBEROAMERICANA, Foro de Debate, Vol. 19, Núm. 73
Tricot, V. (2020). Colonialism and Ethics of Undergraduate Research Abroad. In K. Patch, and L. Berends (Eds.), Undergraduate Research Abroad. Approaches, Models, and Challenges, NAFSA Publishing, 2020
Albala, A., & Tricot, V. (2020). Social Movements and Political Representation in Chile (1990–2013). Latin American Perspectives, 47(4), 131–149
Select Presentations
Tricot, V. (2021, November). Creación y Activismo. Simposio javeriano sobre la ética en la creación, Asistencia para la Creación Artística de la Vicerrectoría de Investigación de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia
Tricot, V. (2021, July). El movimiento mapuche en el Chile actual [Seminar]. Universidad Abierta de Recoleta
Tricot, V. & Bidegain, G. (2021, June) Escaños Reservados para los mapuche en la Convención Constitucional: Una rendija institucional gracias a la Revuelta [Television interview]. Universidad Alberto Hurtado TV
Tricot, V. (2021, May). El paro sigue sonando: Música y protesta social en Colombia y Chile (2019 – 2021). [Seminar]. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia
Tricot Salomón. V. (2021, May) Endogenous Models of Democracy: The Experience of Indigenous Peoples in Peru and Chile [Seminar]. Critical Conversations, SIT Study Abroad
Tricot Salomón. V. (2021, April). Orígenes y evolución del sistema político chileno [Seminar]. Basque Country University
Tricot Salomón. V. (2021, May). Conferencia sobre las elecciones constituyentes en Chile 2021, [Seminar]. Basque Country University
Tricot Salomón. V. (2021, October). Chile, miradas desde la Resistencia [Seminar]. Universidad Javeriana Colombia
Tricot Salomón. V. (2021, February). Resisting from the Streets: Creativity and Innovation on Social Protests in Chile. [Panel presentation], Global Conversations, Skidmore Collage
Research Interests
Social movements
Indigenous movements
Indigenous political participation
Contentious politics in Latin America
- PhD, Contemporary Political Processes, University of Salamanca, Spain
- MA, Latin American Studies, University of Salamanca, Spain
- BA, Journalism and Social Communication, University of Playa Ancha, Chile