Mauricio Pulecio, PhD
he/him/his & they/them
Dr. Pulecio is an interdisciplinary scholar specializing in Latin American literature and culture. His work juxtaposes law and literature to inquire how oppressed subjects have been depicted and linguistically constructed throughout several cultural devices, mostly literature and film.
A seasoned professor both in Colombia and the U.S. and a Colombian native, Dr. Pulecio has taught in fields such as law, political philosophy, human rights, Spanish at the elementary, intermediate, and advanced levels, Spanish for the professions, and Hispanic literature. Since 2008, Dr. Pulecio has been researching cultural activism carried out by women, LGBTQ+ people, and racialized minorities aimed at contributing to the peace process.
In 2023, he was awarded the Excellence in Teaching award from the University of New Hampshire’s College of Liberal Arts where he also serves as teaching and pedagogy leader for the Global Racial and Social Inequality Lab (GRSIL). His work has been featured in renowned journals encompassing peer-reviewed papers, translations, prologues, special editions, and book and film reviews.
Selected Publications
Pulecio, M., Castro, A., Sotomayor-Miletti, A. M. (2022). Derecho, literatura y artes desde América Latina. Cuadernos de literatura (26): 1-4. DOI:
Pulecio, M. (2020). Revolución social sin revolución sexual. Alternativas a la masculinización del poder en Por debajo del agua de Fernando Zamora. A Contracorriente: una revista de estudios latinoamericanos 18 (1): 201-223 DOI:
Pulecio, M. (2017). Ben Sifuentes-Jáuregui. The Avowal of Difference: Queer Latino American Narratives. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2014. Revista Iberoamericana 83 (258): 231-236. DOI:
Pulecio, M. (2016). Al cuidado de las mucamas: la ética en la literatura sobre ayas negras colombianas. Revista Cuadernos del Hipogrifo (6): 138-152.
Pulecio, M. (2015). Cuando Oliver se dio un beso con otro niño, con su mejor amigo, Dick: lenguajes literarios y lenguajes violentos dirigidos a jóvenes LGBTQ en el sistema escolar. Revista de Ciencias Sociales CS (15): 17-39. DOI:
Pulecio, M., Sanchez-Avella, C. A., Millán de Benavides, C., & Rengifo, S. P. (2015). Prólogo. Derecho géneros y sexualidades: diversidad familiar y educación en perspectiva de género. Bogotá: Editorial Los Libertadores.
Pulecio, M. (2014). Judith Butler: una filosofía para habitar el mundo. Universitas Philosophica. 28(57): 61-85. DOI:
Pulecio, M. (2009). Between discrimination and recognition: sexual minorities in education. Via Iuris (7): 29-41.
Selected Presentations
Pulecio, M. (2021, July 6-9). Cuerpos Moros/Cuerpos Queer: un vínculo recóndito en la literatura caribeña [Conference presentation]. XLIII Congress of the International Institute of Ibero-American Literature IILI. Université de Reims Champagne-Ardennes, France. Online.
Pulecio, M. (2019, November 2). Transgender Populations in Contaminated Spaces: The Case of Puerto Rico in the Aftermath of Hurricane María [Conference presentation]. Globalization, In/Security & Displacement. Annual meeting of the New England Council of Latin American Studies NECLAS. New London, CT.
Pulecio, M. (2016, July 19-22). La violencia durante la experiencia del encarcelamiento: Reinaldo Arenas, Carlos Varo y la escritura queer ante la ley [Conference presentation]. XLI Congress of the International Institute of Ibero- American Literature IILI. Jena, Germany.
Pulecio, M. (2016, May 27-30). Poéticas del encarcelamiento: Reinaldo Arenas, Carlos Varo y la escritura homoerótica ante la ley [Conference presentation]. 34th Congress of the Latin American Studies Association LASA, New York, NY.
Pulecio, M. (2016, March 1-3). Sexualidades queer y literatura en Cuba y Puerto Rico [Conference presentation]. VI Coloquio ¿Del otro La’o? Perspectivas sobre sexualidades Queer. Universidad de Puerto Rico, Mayagüez.
Pulecio, M. (2012, July 25-28). Juventudes Queer en Colombia: subversión de los discursos dominantes sobre la sexualidad en la literatura juvenil [Conference presentation]. Queering Paradigms IV, Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Research Interests
Law and literature/critical legal studies
Contemporary Caribbean literature and film
Gender, sexuality, and queer studies
Violence, peace process, and transitional justice
Postcolonial thought and Latin American philosophy
- PhD, Hispanic Languages and Literatures, University of Pittsburgh
- MA, Hispanic Languages and Literatures, University of Pittsburgh
- MPhil, Philosophy, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
- LLB, Bachelors of Law, Universidad Nacional de Colombia