Mariano San Martin, PhD Candidate
Mariano San Martin is an economist from La Plata National University in Argentina. He earned a master’s degree in social protection and health systems at Isalud-Argentina, and is a PhD candidate in public health with a focus on epidemiology at UCES-Argentina.
He has been working on issues related to public health for more than 25 years. Prior to joining SIT, Mariano was director of health statistics for the Health Minister of Buenos Aires Provinces and associate in the Social Area of the United Nations Development Program. He has worked as a researcher and consultant in public health for national and international organizations such Panamerican Health Office, UNICEF, Interamerican Development Bank, World Bank, and others.
Mariano also has academic experience in this area including teaching in various universities and as director of a university program, Patient Management and Clinical Information, at the National University Arturo Jauretche. He is the author of numerous books, academic articles, and technical reports.
Courses Taught
Epidemiology and Social Determinants of Health
Health Systems, Policies and Programs
Public Health Research Methods and Ethics
Independent Study Project
Select Publications
Tarragona, San Martin M. et al. (2019). Alternatives for the financing of the health system in the municipalities of the province of Buenos Aires. IFC Ed. Buenos Aires
San Martin M. (2019). Manual of Good Practices in Management of Integrated Networks of Health Services. ISALUD Ed. Buenos Aires
Bisang, Luzuriaga & San Martin. (2017). The drug market in Argentina. CECE Foundation Ed. Buenos Aires
Luzuriaga, San Martin, Roldan & Van der Kooy. (2016) Health Insurance in Argentina: Analysis and Proposals. Prosanity Consulting. Buenos Aires
Cetrángolo, Goldschmit, Lima Quintana and San Martin. (2011). Contributions to human development in Argentina. The Argentine health system and its long-term trajectory: achievements and future challenges. UNDP Ed. Buenos Aires
Cetrangolo, Lima Quintana & San Martin. (2008). Human Resources in the public hospitals of Mendoza. Economic Commission for Latin American and Caribbean Ed. Buenos Aires
Research Interests
Public health and health systems reforms
Health economics
Epidemiology and social determinants of healthHealth inequalities
drugs market
- PhD Candidate, Public Health with orientation in Epidemiology, University of Business Sciences, Argentina
- MA, Master of Arts in Health Systems and Social Protection, University Isalud, Argentina
- BA, Bachelor of Arts in Economy. Faculty of Economics Sciences, La Plata National University, Argentina