Erick Muok, PhD
Dr. Muok is an experienced researcher and public health manager. He is a former technical advisor to the Rwandan Zambian HIV research group on laboratory capacity-building on virology and immunology in Kigali, Rwanda. He has also been a principle and co-principal investigator and a manager in several projects in western Kenya providing technical and logistical support, administrative and financial management in areas of health system strengthening, nutrition, parasite immunology resistance, targeted NTDs like schistosomiasis and other soil transmitted helminths. He is a former post-doctoral fellow at Emory University, Emory Vaccine Center in Atlanta, Georgia; a fully trained clinical trial monitor; and a management graduate from Kenya School of Government on strategic leadership and management.
Courses Taught
Biosecurity, Global Health Issues, and Challenges
Select Publications
Muok EM, in’t Veld DH, Ogola GO, Karanja DM, Colebunders R, and Pauline MN Mwinzi. (May 2018) Schistosoma mansoni- Associated Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome in HIV-Schistosomiasis Co-Infected Patients Undergoing Antiretroviral Treatment. Ann Clin Pathol 6(2): 1135
Erick M. O. Muok, Elses W. Simiyu, Elizabeth A. Ochola, Zipporah W. Ng’ang’a, W. Evan Secor, Diana M. S. Karanja, AND Pauline N. M. Mwinzi. Association Between CD4+ T-Lymphocyte Counts and Fecal Excretion of Schistosoma mansoni Eggs in Patients Coinfected with S. mansoni and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Before and After Initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2013; 89(1): 42-45
Muok EMO, Onguru DO, Karanja DM, Mwinzi PNM, Nganga ZW and Ofula VA. Participation of Fishing Communities in Neglected Tropical Disease/HIV Co-infection Cohort Studies in Western Kenya. J Trop Dis 2013; 1: 104. doi:10.4172/ jtd.1000104
Erick M. O. Mouk, Pauline N. M. Mwinzi , Carla L. Black , Jennifer M. Carter , Zipporah W. Ng’ang’a , Michael M. Gicheru , W. Evan Secor , Diana M. S. Karanja , and Daniel G. Colley (2009). Childhood Coinfections with Plasmodium falciparum and Schistosoma mansoni Result in Lower Percentages of Activated T Cells and T Regulatory Memory Cells than Schistosomiasis Only. Am J Trop Med Hyg 80 (3): 475-478. PMCID: PMC2821587
Erick M.O Muok, PhD; Vincent Were, PhD, Charles O. Obonyo, PhD, (In press). Efficacy of artesunate + sulfamethoxypyrazine/pyrimethamine versus praziquantel in the treatment of Schistosoma mansoni in Kenyan children
Select Presentations
Erick M. Muok, Pauline N. Mwinzi, Carla L. Black, Jennifer M. Carter, Zipporah W. Ng’ang’a, Michael M. Gicheru, W. Evan Secor, Diana M. Karanja, Daniel G. Colley (2008). T lymphocyte subsets in children with schistosomiasis mansoni compared to children with Schistosoma mansoni and Plasmodium falciparum co-infections in western Kenya. Presented at the 57th Annual Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene conference in December 2008, New Orleans, Louisiana
Erick M.O.Muok, Gisele Umviligihozo, Kimberly Herard, Dario Dilernia, Daniel Wilkins, Matthew A Price, Jill Gilmore, Etienne Karita, 5Susan Allen, Eric Hunter and Ling Yue: Near Full Length Genome Amplification and Sequencing of Acute HIV-1 Infections in Virologically-linked Heterosexual Transmissions in a Rwandan Cohort. The 11th International Workshop on HIV Transmission – Principles of Intervention, October 15-16, in Chicago, Illinois
Erick M.O.Muok, Gisele Umviligihozo, Kimberly Herard, Dario Dilernia, Daniel Wilkins, Matthew A Price, Jill Gilmore, Etienne Karita, Susan Allen, Eric Hunter and Ling Yue: Near Full Length Genome Amplification and Sequencing of Acute HIV-1 Infections in Virologically-linked Heterosexual Transmissions in a Rwandan Cohort. HIV Research for Prevention 2016: AIDS Vaccine, Microbicide and ARV-based Prevention Science (HIVR4P), October 17-21, Chicago, Illinois
Erick M. O. Muok, Elses W. Simiyu, Elizabeth A. Ochola, Zipporah W. Ng’ang’a, W. Evan Secor, Diana M. S. Karanja, AND Pauline N. M. Mwinzi. 2012. Association Between CD4+ T-Lymphocyte Counts and Fecal Excretion of Schistosoma mansoni Eggs in Patients Coinfected with S. mansoni and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Before and After Initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy, Keystone symposium meeting in Canada (S3)
Erick M. Muok, Diana Huis in’t Veld, Anali Conesa-Botella, Zipporah W. Ng’ang’a, George O. Ogola, katja Polman, Luc Kestens, Diana M. Karanja, Robert Colebunders and Pauline N. Mwinzi (2010). Diagnosis of immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome (IRIS) in HIV-Schistosomiasis co-infected patients undergoing HAART. Presented at the 59th Annual Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene conference, November 2010, Atlanta, Georgia
Erick M.O. Muok, S. Montgomery, P. Mwinzi, E Secor, D. Karanja. 2008. Assessment of Anemia and schistosomiasis in schoolchildren in Western Kenya. Presented at the 2nd East African Health and Scientific Conference
Sara E. Butler, Erick M. Muok, Susan P. Montgomery, Pauline M. Mwinzi, Diana M. Karanja, W. Evan Secor. 2008. Mechanism of anemia in Schistosoma mansoni-infected school children in Western Kenya. Presented at the 57th Annual Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene conference in December 2008, New Orleans, Louisiana
Research Interests
Impact of climate on food security and nutrition
Neglected infectious diseases and comorbidity with three killer diseases (HIV, Malaria and TB)
Research administration
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Molecular Virology and Immunology, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Immunology of infant Vaccines, University of Georgia, Atlanta Georgia, Kenyan Project
- PhD in Molecular Medicine, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi, Kenya
- MSc in cellular Immunology, Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya
- BSc Science (Zoology), Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi, Kenya