Eric Manzané-Pinzón, PhD

[email protected]

Eric is a plant eco-physiologist and specializes in drought tolerance of tropical trees, liana and mangrove biology, physiology, and plant phenotypic plasticity. He has carried out postdoctoral research at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Yale University, and the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. He is an associate professor in plant ecology and physiology at the Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá and has been part of the Scientific Component of the Blue Carbon Project of Audubon Americas, carrying out research on carbon sequestration in the mangroves of Panama.

Courses Taught

Comparative Tropical Ecology

Selected Publications

Álvarez-Cansino, L., Comita, L. S., Jones, F. A., Manzané-Pinzón, E., Browne, L., & Engelbrecht, B. M. J. (2022). Turgor loss point predicts survival responses to experimental and natural drought in tropical tree seedlings. Ecology, 103(6).

Campanello, P. I., Manzane, E., Villagra, M., Zhang, Y.-J., Panizza, A. M., di Francescantonio, D., Rodriguez, S. A., Chen, Y.-J., Santiago, L. S., & Goldstein, G. (2016). Carbon Allocation and Water Relations of Lianas Versus Trees (pp. 103–124).

Hao, G.-Y., Jones, T. J., Luton, C., Zhang, Y.-J., Manzane, E., Scholz, F. G., Bucci, S. J., Cao, K., & Goldstein, G. (2009). Hydraulic redistribution in dwarf Rhizophora mangle trees driven by interstitial soil water salinity gradients: Impacts on hydraulic architecture and gas exchange. Tree Physiology, 29(5).

Manzané-Pinzón, E., Goldstein, G., & Schnitzer, S. A. (2018). Does soil moisture availability explain liana seedling distribution across a tropical rainfall gradient? Biotropica, 50(2), 215–224.

Muehleisen, A. J., Engelbrecht, B. M. J., Jones, F. A., Manzané-Pinzón, E., & Comita, L. S. (2020). Local adaptation to herbivory within tropical tree species along a rainfall gradient. Ecology, 101(11).

Umaña, M. N., Manzané-Pinzón, E., & Comita, L. S. (2019). Long-term dynamics of liana seedlings suggest decelerating increases in liana relative abundance over time. Journal of Ecology.

Research Interests

Blue carbon in mangroves
Patterns of drought tolerance of tree species with commercial value


  • PhD, Biology, University of Miami
Eric Manzané-Pinzón, PhD

SIT Study Abroad

Academic Coordinator

PANAMA: Tropical Ecology, Marine Ecosystems, and Biodiversity Conservation

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Academic Director

PANAMA: Marine Ecology & Blue Carbon Conservation in the Pacific & Caribbean

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