Eliana Ferradás, PhD candidate

Eliana Ferradás holds an undergraduate degree in history from Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) and has a master’s degree in journalism and social communication from the Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP). She is a PhD candidate in sociology at Universidad de San Martín (UNSAM) and has worked for SIT since 2011, broadening her knowledge on social movements and human rights. Her academic experience addresses various topics related to Human Rights (state terrorism, penal system, gender, migration, indigenous peoples, and extractive economic model). She is part of the Education in Prisons Program, organized by Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (UBA). As an activist, she collaborated for several years with Alameda, a Buenos Aires–based NGO that fights against human trafficking.  

Eliana Ferradás, PhD candidate

SIT Study Abroad

Academic Coordinator

ARGENTINA: Social Movements and Human Rights

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