Cornel Hart, PhD
Cornel Hart is the program coordinator for the Community Development Professional Degree and Evaluator for the Scholarship of Engagement Framework at the University of the Western Cape (UWC). She specializes in program evaluation and the alignment of micro-macro level community well-being assessments to national and international development drivers. Since 1999, she has provided extensive training in CD, logical frameworks and research methodology in diverse settings from community-based organizations to public sector departments of several African countries. She assists higher education institutions with service learning, community engagement, and scholarship of engagement to monitor and evaluate their societal impact.
Courses Taught
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning
Select Publications
Hart, C., Daniels, P. & September-Brown, P. (2022). (Accepted) A Model for Scholarship of Engagement Institutionalization and Operationalization
September-Brown, P., Daniels, P. & Hart, C. (2022). (Accepted). Decentralized Systemising of Scholarship of Engagement (SoE) in Higher Education (HE) toward Societal Impact
Hart, C & De Beer, F. (2022). Community Development Practitioner Profiling for Occupational Professionalisation, Skills Development and Continuous Quality Assurance. Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk Journal, 58(4):501-519.
Hart, C., (2022). Book Review: Does community development work? Stories and practice for reconstructed community development in South Africa. Community Development Journal
Hart, C. & De Beer, F. (2022). A Community Level Well-being Assessment Tool for Integrative Partnerships in Community Development. JJDMS Special Edition: New Institutionalization Designs for Community Development and Environmental Conservation. XISS. (ISSN 0973-8444)
Hart, C. (2018). Accredited and Standardized Community Development Qualifications: Part and Parcel of the Professionalization Process of Practitioners in South Africa. Practice Insights, Issue 11:14-16. IACD
Hart, C. (2017). Supervision Policy framework for Social Services. National Department of Social Development. Government Printers: Pretoria
Select Presentations
Hart, C. (25 April 2022). UPEN: Panelist for International Webinar: Topic: Science advice at times of crisis: what roles for universities and academics?
Hart, C. (14 October 2021). Keynote Address: UniZuly Teaching and Learning 5th Annual Conference. Scholarship of Engagement that Represents the Expected Innovations from Higher Education
Hart, C. (2 September 2021). Keynote Address: SUN DSI Annual Social Impact Symposium: Cross Sectoral Engaged Partnerships: Transformative Power of Higher Education to Deliver Effective Societal Impact
Hart, C., Daniels, P. & Lawack, V. (11 May 2021). Developing Country and Global Contextual Diversity Specific Graduate Attributes. ARIS BI 2021 Summit
Hart, C. (9 December 2020). ARIS International Webinar Impact Series: South African Impact Strategies; Aligned to National, Regional and Global Development Drivers
Hart, C. (29 October 2020). Drafting a Multi-Level CE Stakeholder Partnership (MLCESP) Model. Prof Andipatin’s CHS Faculty Webinar Series. University of the Western Cape
Hart. C, Bheekie A, Van Huyssteen M & Coetzee R. (24 September 2020). Community Engagement Pharmacy Practice Multi-Level Stakeholder Partnership Model: A Framework for Monitoring & Evaluation. [Poster presentation]. The Network Towards Unity for Health (TUFH 2020)
Hart, C. (5 December 2019). A Community Engagement Model for Higher Education Institutions to Measure and Present their Societal Impact. SAHECF Conference 2019. Mpumalanga
Hart, C. & De Beer, F. (2019). Community Development Theories: Where It Started, What We Have Today that Should Chart the Future. CDS 2019 Conference. Missouri Columbia
Research Interests
Integrative community development, well-being and social capital assessment
Sociology of professions
Community development program evaluation studies
Teaching and learning program evaluation studies
Higher education community engagement and scholarship of engagement
- PhD, Development Studies, University of South Africa
- MRec, Social Science Research Methodology, University of Stellenbosch
- PGDip. Programme Management, Stellenbosch School of Business
- BS Social Science, University of Johannesburg