Charity Chanza, PhD
Dr. Charity Chanza is a senior lecturer in agricultural extension and rural sociology and head of the Extension Department in the faculty of Development Studies at Bunda College, Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR). Dr. Chanza lectures and conducts research in agricultural extension, rural development, land tenure, rural livelihoods, sustainable agriculture, climate change adaptation and mitigation, and gender and development. She previously served as deputy dean of development studies and deputy head of the Extension Department at LUANAR. Dr. Chanza was a national team leader for a UN Food and Agriculture Organization capacity needs assessment for supporting agriculture innovation systems in Malawi. She alsonhelped to develop guidelines to operationalize the decentralized district agricultural extension system in Malawi under the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Food Security.
Courses Taught
Gender, Agriculture, and Climate Change
Select Publications
Akongo, T. and Chonde C. (2020). Gendered Adaptation and Coping Mechanisms to Climate Variability in Eastern Uganda Rice Farming Systems. In B. R. Singh et al. (eds.), Climate Impacts on Agricultural and Natural Resource Sustainability in Africa. Springer Nature Switzerland.
Kakota, T.V., Maonga, B.B. Synnevag, G., Chonde, C., Mainje, M. (2017). Harmonization of Extension Messages on Climate Smart Agriculture in Malawi: Do We Speak With One Voice, and to Whom? Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, 9(11):255-261.
Njera, D, Chonde, C., Kambewa, D. Kayambazinthu, D., Kaunda, E., Kanzunguze, A., Missanjo, E. (2017). The Efficacy of Participatory Action Research on Capacity of Local Farmers Organisations to Promote Fish Farming in Malawi. International Journal of Research in Agriculture and Forestry, 4(9):10-19.
Njera, D., Chonde, C., Kambewa, D., Dzanja, J., Kayambazinthu, D. and Kaunda, E. (2017). Institutional Environment Affecting Capacity of Fish Farmer Organisations in Dowa and Mchinji Districts in Central Malawi. Journal of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development, 5(2):606-611.
Njera, D., Chonde, C., Kambewa, D., Dzanja, J., Kayambazinthu, D. (2017). Examining the Significance of Gender, Marital Status, Landholding Size and Age of Members on Capacity of Local Level Fish Farmer Organisations. International Journal of Natural Resource Ecology and Management, 2 (4):79-84.
Njera D., Chonde C., Kambewa D., Dzanja J., and Kayambazinthu D. (2016). What Influences Capacity of Fish Farmer Organizations? Experiences of CARP Fish Farmer Organizations in Dowa and Mchinji District in Central Malawi. Modern Agricultural Science and Technology, 2 (1):45-54.
Njera, D., Chonde, C., Kambewa, D., Kaunda, E. and Kayambazinthu, D. (2016). Local Community Perspective about Challenges Affecting Farmer Organizations. Case of Selected Socioeconomic Characteristics of Members in Fish Farmer Organizations in Central Malawi. International Journal of Research in Agriculture and Forestry, 3 (12):1-11.
Njera, D., Chonde, C., Kambewa, D., Dzanja, J., Kayambazinthu, D., Kaunda, E., Moyo, L., Matsimbe, M., German, C., Msandu, P. (2016). Member-Specific Characteristics Affecting Capacity of Farmer Organisations in Promoting Fish Farming: Case of Dowa and Mchinji Districts in Malawi. International Journal of Research in Agriculture and Forestry, 3 (11): 6-12.
Chonde, C and Chiwaula, H. (2015). Rural Women’s Participation and Investment in Renewable Energy as a Low Carbon Adaptation Strategy: Evidence from Sustainable Energy Project in Malawi. In Mukuna, T. E. and C. A. Shisanya (eds.), Milestones in green transition and climate compatible development in eastern and southern Africa. Addis Ababa: OSSREA Press.
Chonde, C. (2015) Land Ownership Security and Investments Incentives in Matrilineal Social Systems of The Community-Based Rural Land Development Project. FAO Land Tenure Journal, Vol 1:121-146
Research Interests
Agricultural and food system resilience
Climate change adaptation
Climate smart agriculture
Agricultural innovation systems and gender-responsive agriculture
Development and land tenure issues
- PhD in International and Rural Development, University of Reading, UK
- MSc in Rural Development and Extension, Bunda College of Agriculture, University of Malawi
- BSc in Agriculture (Rural Development), Bunda College of Agriculture, University of Malawi
- Diploma in Agriculture, Bunda College of Agriculture, University of Malawi