Carolina Rovetta, MFA

Carolina holds a five-year degree in arts from the University of Buenos Aires and a postgraduate degree in contemporary cinema and theater. She became involved in the field of international education in Argentina when it was a little explored field in the country and specialized in the design of materials for cultural immersion in multicultural contexts. Her interest in intercultural education led her to design study programs for various universities and study abroad institutions from the United States, focusing on the area of Social Studies. In 2005, she started her pedagogical involvement with the International Honors Program by implementing the first IHP program in Argentina: Cities in the 21st Century; and in 2012, she designed and implemented the Health and Community program. Her approach to the field of international studies allows her to deepen and unify her passion for culture, arts, and politics with the field of intercultural education, and she feels very fortunate to be able to share that passion with the students, as well as awakening their curiosity and desire to learn, all in a context of mutual respect and understanding.


  • MFA, University of Buenos Aires
Carolina Rovetta, MFA

SIT Study Abroad

Country Coordinator, Argentina

IHP Cities in the 21st Century: People, Planning, and Politics

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Country Coordinator, Argentina

IHP Health and Community: Globalization, Culture, and Care

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