Ashad Sentongo, PhD
Dr. Ashad Sentongo is the Director of Africa Programs at the Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation (AIPR). He works with the Africa Union, the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR), and the East Africa Community to build the African Network for Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention, including the provision of related training and technical assistance to national and regional mechanisms of the Member States. He has lectured at Makerere University, Uganda Management Institute, and the Graduate Institute of School for International Training (SIT) where he teaches safety and wellbeing challenges on the Humanitarian Action and Crisis Management Program.
He has also consulted at the United States Institute for International Development (USAID), United National Development Program (UNDP), the International Conference on the Great lakes, Region (ICGLR), the East African Community (EAC), the Strong Cities Network UCSN), Institute for Sustained Dialogue (USA), the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Uganda.
Courses Taught
Safety and Well-being Challenges in Emergency Contexts
Select Publications
A. Sentongo and Liberata Mulamula (2018). “African Regional Perspective on Prevention: Experiences from the Great Lakes Region.” In “Preventing Mass Atrocities: Policies and Practices.” Edited by Barbara Harff and Ted Robert Gurr. Routledge Studies in Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity. Routledge, New York
A. Sentongo (2018). Why They Don’t Fight! Experiences and Responses of the Youth in Uganda to Discrimination, Injustice and Exclusion. The African Review Vol. 45, Supp. Issue, No.1, June 2018: 143-163
A. Sentongo and A. Muluubya (2020). Why They Don’t Fight: Explaining Non-violent Responses to Exclusion, Discrimination and Injustice among the Youth in Uganda. Politeia 39 (1). UNISA Press Journals, SA.
A. Sentongo (2018). Manual on Best Practices for the Establishment and Management of National Mechanisms for Genocide and Mass Atrocities Prevention. Global Action Against Mass Atrocity Crimes (GAAMAC III). Geneva, Switzerland.
A. Sentongo, 2016, Training Resource Manual for Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention [online], Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation, available at–resource–manual/
A. Sentongo, 2015, The Practical Use of Early Warning and Response in Preventing Mass Atrocities and Genocide Experiences from the Great Lakes Region, In: Reconstructing Atrocity Prevention, Edited by Sheri P. Rosenberg, Tibi Galis and Alex Zucker (eds).
A. Sentongo, 2012, Conflict resolution under Ekika system among the Baganda in Uganda, in Africa Dialogue Monograph Series (No. 2/2012) by the African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD), South Africa.
A. Sentongo, 2011, Political leadership and conflict resolution: An African Example, ACCORD – African Journal on Conflict Resolution. Vol. 11 No. 2.
A. Sentongo and J. Van Raaltan, 2007, From Conflict to Coexistence: An Intervention Model, University for Peace – published by the Peace and Conflict Monitor.
Select Presentations
2017, Keynote Speaker: Roundtable Discussion on Prevention of Extremism in a Diverse Society – The role of state and religion, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Kampala Sheraton Hotel.
2016 Preventing Mass Atrocities: Strengthening the National Atrocity Prevention Architecture, The Global Action Against Mass Atrocity Crimes (GAAMAC), (Manila, Philippines)
2015 Prevention of Violent Conflicts: Mechanisms for Handling Ethnic-Based Conflicts. Conference on Peace in the Horn of Africa, Can Federalism Help? By The Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and the Center for Federal Studies at Addis Ababa University, (Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia)
2015 Legal Frameworks for the Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities, Raphael Lemkin Seminar, Auschwitz Museum Krakow, Poland)
2015 Genocide and War Crimes: Challenges for International Justice in Light of Special Courts for Africa, Focusing on the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) and the Special Court for Sierra Leone (SCSL), International Centre for the Promotion of Human Rights (CIPDH), Argentina.
2014 Lessons Learned and Best Practices from National Strategies for Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention, Global Action Against Mass Atrocity Crimes (Costa Rica)
2014 Regional Frameworks for Conflict Early Warning and Early Response: Case Study of ECOWARN, Raphael Lemkin Seminar, at Auschwitz Museum – Krakow, Poland. etc.
Research Interests
Prevention and countering of violent extremism
Mass atrocities
Identity-based violence
Refugees and humanitarian work
Power and ethnicity
Transformational leadership
Traditional dispute resolution
Resilience and relationship-building towards violence prevention
Early warning and early response
- PhD, Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University, USA
- MA, Coexistence and Conflict Resolution, Brandeis University, USA
- Post Graduate Diploma, Education, Islamic University of Uganda
- BA, Islamic Studies and Arabic Language, Islamic University of Uganda