Alla Korzh, EdD

Dr. Alla Korzh teaches research methods, doctoral seminars, and capstone courses in the EdD program. Her research focuses on education inequities experienced by socio-economically disadvantaged children, youth, and adults at the secondary and post-secondary education levels. She has conducted qualitative research with orphans and incarcerated women in Ukraine, as well as formerly incarcerated women in New York City. Her earlier collaborative research examined transnational young adults’ participation in social movements and informal citizenship education. Dr. Korzh’s recent research project investigated incarcerated women’s educational aspirations in a minimum-security prison in Ukraine and the barriers they face post-incarceration. Her current research study explores how socio-economically disadvantaged youth and young adults navigate higher education in Ukraine despite the odds.

See Dr. Korzh’s full list of publications

View Dr. Korzh’s CV

Graduate Courses Taught

Research Methods I
Research Methods IV
Reflective Practice Doctoral Seminar
Practitioner Inquiry
Theory, Practice, and Policy of International Education
Reflective Practice
Capstone Seminar

Select Publications and Policy Activities

Korzh, A. (Under Preparation). Incarcerated women’s meaning-making of education in Ukraine. In A. Chamberlen & M. Bandyopadhyay (Eds.), Geographies of gendered punishment: Women’s imprisonment in global context. Palgrave MacMillan.

Korzh, A. (2023). Methodological challenges and ethical dilemmas in conducting research with institutionalized populations. Qualitative Research. DOI: 10.1177/14687941231165890

Korzh, A. (2022). “You have been punished in prison. And then when you are released, you are punished for life”: Post-incarceration barriers for women in Ukraine. International Sociology Journal. DOI: 10.1177/02685809221084447

Korzh, A. (2021). Education behind bars and beyond prison: Incarcerated women’s education aspirations and barriers in Ukraine. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education. DOI: 10.1080/03057925.2021.1941775

Korzh, A., Kovalchuk, S., & Marshall, A. (2020). Euromaidan abroad: The social motivations of young Ukrainian immigrants. Nationalities Papers, 1-13. DOI: 10.1017/nps.2020.59

Kovalchuk, S. & Korzh, A. (2019). The transnational activism of young Ukrainian immigrants. In O. Oleinikova & J. Bayeh (Eds.), Democracy, diaspora, territory (pp. 127-144). London, UK: Routlege

Silova, I., Sobe, N., Korzh, A. & Kovalchuk, S. (Eds.). (2017). Reimagining utopias: Theory and method for educational research in post-socialist contexts. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers

Silova, I., Sobe, N., Korzh, A. & Kovalchuk, S. (2017). Introducing research dilemmas in post- socialist education contexts. In I. Silova, N. Sobe, A. Korzh & S. Kovalchuk (Eds.), Reimagining utopias: Theory and method for educational research in post-socialist contexts (pp. 1-14). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers

Sobe, N., Silova, I., Korzh, A. & Kovalchuk, S. (2017). Reimagining utopias. In I. Silova, N. Sobe, A. Korzh, & S. Kovalchuk (Eds.), Reimagining utopias: Theory and method for educational research in post-socialist contexts (pp. 301-316). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers

Korzh, A. (2015). Fieldwork dilemmas: Conducting qualitative research with institutionalized youth in Ukraine. In S. Bastien & H. Holmarsdottir (Eds.), Youth at the margins: Experiences from engaging youth in research worldwide (pp. 241-259).  Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers

Korzh, A. (2015). Education in Ukrainian orphanages: Hidden curriculum for social reproduction or transformation? In E.L. Brown, P.C. Gorski & G. Lazaridis (Eds.), Poverty, class, and schooling: Global perspectives on economic justice and educational equity (pp. 281-302). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing

Select Presentations

Korzh, A. (2023, February). Methodological and ethical dilemmas in research with institutionalized populations. Paper presented at the 67th Annual Meeting of Comparative & International Education Society, Washington, DC.

Korzh, A. (2023, February). New Scholars Committee Publication Mentoring Workshop. Provided feedback on and discussed dissertation publication manuscripts of three doctoral candidates at the 67th Annual Meeting of Comparative & International Education Society, Washington, DC.

Korzh, A. (2022, April). “No one needs you”: Post-incarceration barriers for women in Ukraine. Paper presented at the 66th Annual Meeting of Comparative & International Education Society, virtual.

Korzh, A. (2021, April). Education post-incarceration: Barriers to education for women in Ukraine. Paper presented at the 65th Annual Meeting of Comparative & International Education Society, virtual.

Korzh, A. (2021, April). New Scholars Committee Publication Mentoring Workshop. Provided feedback on and discussed dissertation publication manuscripts of three doctoral candidates and graduates at the 65th Annual Meeting of Comparative & International Education Society, virtual.

Korzh, A. (2020, March). New Scholars Committee Dissertation Mentoring Workshop [Mentored doctoral candidates and graduates]. Comparative & International Education Society, virtual

Korzh, A. (2019, October). Home-grown social movements as sites of informal citizenship education of transnational young people [Conference presentation]. Nordic Comparative & International Education Society and Global Comparative & International Education Forum, Stockholm, Sweden

Korzh, A. & Kovalchuk, S. (2018, October). Transnational activism of young Ukrainian immigrants [Conference presentation]. University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom

Korzh, A. (2018, March). Methodological and ethical quandaries in research with youth on the margins: The case of orphanage youth in Ukraine [Conference presentation]. Comparative & International Education Society, Mexico City, Mexico

Kovalchuk, S. & Korzh, A. (2017, August). Transnational activism of young Ukrainian immigrants. [Conference presentation]. WZB Social Science Research Center Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Korzh, A. & Kovalchuk, S. (2017, May). Political and social impact of transnational youth activism: The case of Razom and EuroMaidan [Conference presentation]. World Convention of Association for the Study of Nationalities, Columbia University, New York, NY


  • EdD, International Educational Development, Columbia University
  • MEd, Instructional Leadership, University of Illinois at Chicago
  • BA with Honors, Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Nizhyn State Pedagogical University, Ukraine
Alla Korzh, EdD

SIT Graduate Institute

Chair and Associate Professor

EdD in Global Education

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Associate Faculty

MA in Intercultural Service, Leadership, and Management (Part-Time Hybrid)

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MA in International Education (Part-Time Hybrid)

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Certificate in International Education

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