Photo Contest 2019: The Winners

Announcement Date: June 10, 2019

We are pleased to announce the winners of SIT’s 2019 Photo Contest.

Thank you to all who submitted! The quality and number of submissions was remarkable and revealed SIT students’ great eye for capturing the learning experiences they’re enjoying around the world.

Here are this year’s talented winners.

Learning Moments

Sage Fox
Oregon State University
Ecuador: Comparative Ecology and Conservation, fall 2018

My friend Caleb and I conducted our ISP in a fairly remote village of Ecuador. When we first met our host family, our host sister took us on a hike to a rock that overlooks the valley below. She was very curious about us, and she was especially intrigued by our binoculars. When we reached the summit, she borrowed my binoculars to see if she could find a bear or her house below. Soon losing interest in that, she turned to look up at Caleb through the binoculars.

Action Shots      

Anya Otterson
University of Denver
Mongolia: Nomadism, Geopolitics, and the Environment, fall 2018 

During my internship, we ran into a herd of my boss's horses as we were driving back to camp one day. He got on the horse I was riding, put on my deel and boots, and herded them as fast as he could across the steppe while I drove ahead with my other boss taking photos.

The World Is Your Classroom     

Thomas D'Anieri
Claremont McKenna College
Mongolia: Nomadism, Geopolitics, and the Environment, fall 2018

I woke up and had to use the bathroom, so I crawled out of my wool sleeping bag, put on two extra layers of clothes, strapped up my dog-fur boots, tiptoed out of the ger, and stopped in my tracks. I had never seen anything like it. The Milky Way hung above me and was unbelievably clear, yet the moon remained on the horizon. To even see the Milky Way in America it must be a new moon, or pitch dark long after the moon has set. Yet here the Milky Way sat in all its glory, rising next to the bright, nearly full moon.

Challenging Perspectives             

Alyssa Avila
University of San Francisco
India: Public Health, Gender and Community Action, spring 2018

A village health worker from the Comprehensive Rural Health Project in Jamkhed demonstrates how she provides care and educates pregnant women within her own community.


Madeline Ninno
Tulane University
Argentina: Transnationalism and Comparative Development in South America, fall 2018

A courtyard in San Telmo, Argentina.

Honorable Mentions

Anna Stubbs
Carleton College
Chile: Public Health, Traditional Medicine, and Community Empowerment, fall 2018      

Sage Fox
Oregon State
Ecuador: Comparative Ecology and Conservation, fall 2018