Margaret (Meg) Gardinier, PhD
Dr. Meg P. Gardinier is an international education specialist with over two decades of academic and professional experience in international and comparative education. She holds an EdM in international educational development from Teachers College, Columbia University, and a PhD in education from Cornell University. Dr. Gardinier was an associate professor of global leadership at Indiana Institute of Technology where she served on doctoral committees. Prior to this position, she was assistant professor of international and intercultural education at Florida International University where she developed and taught blended and fully online graduate education classes on issues such as international education and development, human rights and global citizenship education, intercultural competency, and global education policy.
Dr. Gardinier’s research explores the intersection of global education policies and local pedagogical practices in the context of democratization and social change. Her doctoral dissertation examined the localization of global models of democratic citizenship education in post-communist Albania. Dr. Gardinier received grants and fellowships from a number of organizations including Fulbright, National Security Education Program/Boren, Cornell University Peace Studies, IREX, Spencer Foundation, and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. She has worked with a number of nongovernmental and international organizations in diverse contexts including Nigeria, Guatemala, El Salvador, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Albania, Kosovo, and the United States.
Courses Taught
Theoretical Foundations 2
Select Publications
Anderson-Levitt, K. and Gardinier, M. (2021). Contextualising global flows of competency-based education: polysemy, hybridity and silences, Comparative Education, 57:1, 1-18.
Gardinier, M. (2020). Imagining globally competent learners: Experts and education policy-making beyond the nation-state, Comparative Education, Volume 57:1, 130-146.
Vaccari, V. and Gardinier, M. (2019). Towards one world or many? A comparative analysis of UNESCO and OECD education policy documents, International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning, Vol. 11:1, 68-89.
Gjedia, R. and Gardinier, M. (2018). Mentoring and teacher development in Albania. European Journal of Education, Vol. 53:1, 102-117.
Gardinier, M. (2017). Looking back towards the future: Reflecting on the OECD’s global educational influence. In Wiseman, A. W. and Taylor, C. S. (Eds.), International Perspectives on Education and Society Series volume, 247-269. Emerald Insight Publishers.
Gardinier, M. (2017). “Now I have three directors”: Examining power, positionality, and the making of meaning in post-socialist educational research. In Silova, I., Sobe, N. W., Korzh, A., and Kovalchuk, S., (Eds.), Reimagining Utopias: Theory and Method for Educational Research in Post-Socialist Contexts, 49-64. Sense Publishers.
Gardinier, M. (2016). Albania: an overview. In Sprague, T. (Ed.), Education in Non-EU Countries in Western and Southern Europe, 123-149. Education Around the World Series Editor: Colin Brock. London: Bloomsbury Academic Publishing.
Gardinier, M. (2015). Middlemen and midwives of reform: The in-between worlds of Albanian educational policy-makers and professionals. In Comparative Education, Vol. 51:2, 276-292.
Gardinier, M. (2012). Agents of change and continuity: The pivotal role of teachers in Albanian educational reform and democratization. In Comparative Education Review, Vol. 56:4, 659-683, special issue on “The Local/Global Reform of Teaching and Teacher Education.”
Gardinier, M. and Worden, E. A. (2011). The semblance of progress amidst the absence of change: Educating for an imagined Europe in Moldova and Albania. In Silova, I. (Ed.). Post-socialism is not dead: (Re)reading the global in comparative education. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing.
Select Presentations
Gardinier, M. (2021). Education as the Practice of Freedom. Presented as a livestream event for the Global Forum for Teacher Educators:
Gardinier, M. and Skendaj, E. (February 2020). Internationalizing Student Learning: Opportunities, Challenges, and Strategies. Presented at the Fort Wayne Teaching and Learning Conference
Gardinier, M. (June 2019). Pushing the Boundaries of Global Citizenship Education: Solidarity and Youth Civic Engagement at a Global Scale. Presented at the Georg Eckert Institute in Braunschweig, Germany
Gardinier, M. (April 2019). Making Competence Global: Education Policy-making within and beyond the State. Presented at the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) conference in San Francisco, California
Gardinier, M. (October 2018). Everyday Peacemakers: Envisioning and Working Towards a Better World for All. Presented at the Rotary International Affairs Conference, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Gardinier, M. (September 2018). Educating for global competency: Implications for teaching and research. Presented at the Framing the Global Event at Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana
Gardinier, M. (November 2016). Creating a culturally responsive learning community. Professional development workshop conducted for the Center for the Advancement of Teaching at Florida International University
Gardinier, M. (July 2016). From global projects to classroom practice: The localization of democratic citizenship education in post-communist Albania. Presented at the Georg Eckert Institute in Braunschweig, Germany
Gardinier, M. and Pierre-Louis, M. (April 2016). Contesting global frames for local aims: Policy perspectives on 21st Century education in Haiti, Jamaica, and Albania. Presented at American Educational Research Association (AERA) in Washington, DC
Gardinier, M. (March 2015). Global frames for local aims: The influence of the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) on education policy in Albania. Presented at the CIES conference in Washington, DC
Research Interests
Peace, global citizenship, and human rights education
International organizations and global education policy
Culturally responsive and anti-racist pedagogies
Comparative and international education
Qualitative and mixed methods research
Internationalization and global learning
- PhD, Education, Cornell University
- EdM, International Educational Development, Teachers College, Columbia University
- BA, Politics and Women’s Studies, Oberlin College